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CHEN, HSIU-FEN Professor, Chair
Title Professor, Chair
Ext. 62939
Classification Full-Time
Journal Papers
  • Hsiu-Fen Chen*, 2024.11, 'Between Living and Non-living: Materiality of the Placenta in Ming China, ' Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, No.47, pp.1-14.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2024.11, 'Between Living and Non-living: Materiality of the Placenta in Ming China, ' Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, No.47, pp.1-14.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2023.03, '治病、強身與改造國民性——蔣維喬靜坐法與民初的身體實驗, ' 新史學, Vol.34, No.1, pp.95-152.(THCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2021.10, '食物、藥物與穢物——明代胎盤的物質文化史考察, ' 中國史學, Vol.31, pp.95-108.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2017.09, '從人到物:《本草綱目‧人部》的人體論述與人藥製作, ' 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, Vol.第88本, No.第3分, pp.589-641.(AHCI, THCI Core)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2016.12, '「診斷」徐渭:晚明社會對於狂與病的多元理解, ' 明代研究, No.27, pp.71-121.(THCI Core)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2016.09, '食物、妖術與蠱毒—宋元明「挑生」形象的流變, ' 漢學研究, Vol.34, No.3, pp.9-51.(THCI Core)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2014.03, '情志過極,非藥可癒——試論金元明清的「以情勝情」療法, ' 新史學, Vol.25, No.1, pp.1-50.(THCI Core)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2012.12, 'Visual representation and oral transmission of yangsheng techniques in Ming china, ' Asian Medicine - TRADITION and modernity, Vol.7, No.1, pp.128-163.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2011.06, 'Between Passion and Repression: Medical Views of Demon Dreams, Demonic Fetuses, and Female Sexual Madness in Late Imperial China, ' Late Imperial China, Vol.32, No.1, pp.51-82.(AHCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2010.12, '在夢寐之間:中國古典醫學對於「夢與鬼交」與女性情欲的構想, ' 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, Vol.81, No.4, pp.701-736.(AHCI, TSSCI, THCI Core)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2010.08, '醫療史研究在台灣(1990-2010)──兼論其與「新史學」的關係, ' 漢學研究通訊, Vol.29, No.3, pp.19-28. Ref.
  • Chen Hsiu-fen*, 2008.12, 'Nourishing life, cultivation and material culture in the late Ming: some thoughts on Zhunsheng bajian遵生八牋 (Eight Discourses on Respecting Life, 1591), ' Asian Medicine - TRADITION and modernity, Vol.4, No.1, pp.29-45.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 陳秀芬*, 2008.11, '當病人見到鬼:試論明清醫者對於「邪祟」的態度, ' 國立政治大學歷史學報, No.30, pp.43-86.(THCI Core, CEPS思博網)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2004.04, 'Review: Elisabeth Hsu (ed.), Innovation in Chinese Medicine, Needham Research Institute Series No. 3, Cambridge University Press, 2001, ' Medical History, Vol.48, No.2, pp.279-280.(AHCI, SSCI, SCI)
  • 陳秀芬, 2003.08, '中國醫學史中的「癲」與「癇」:一種或多種疾病的類型?, ' 中醫兒科醫學雜誌, Vol.5, No.1, pp.1-16.(CEPS思博網) Ref.
Conference Papers
  • 陳秀芬*, 2024.11, '十六、十七世紀東亞醫學知識的國際性與在地性——以《東醫寶鑑》為例, ' 十七世紀前後的內陸亞洲與海洋世界國際學術研討會, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所、國立故宮博物院.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2024.08, '王朝的目光:大清前期刑案對於瘋人的速寫, ' 2024臺韓明清史研究國際學術研討會, 中研院明清研究推動委員會、近代史研究所、韓國明清史研究會.(*為通訊作者)
  • Chen Hsiu-fen*, 2024.06, 'Chinese Medical Care Of The Mentally Ill In An Age Of Turmoil, 1900-1930, ' Double Tenth Joint Conference of IASTAM and ASHM, 亞洲傳統醫學國際學會、亞洲醫學史學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2023.10, '藥到「魅」除:晚明本草知識與辟邪藥物, ' 病魅:東亞視域下的醫療與鬼邪國際研討會, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2023.09, '鬱症——理解元明醫學的情緒轉向之重要取徑, ' 明代社會與思想文化學術研討會, 中國明代研究學會、中央研究院明清研究推動委員會.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2023.08, 'Food, Drug and Dirt: Material Cultures of the Placenta in Ming China, ' The 16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2023.07, 'Nourishing Body and Prolonging Life: Materiality of the Placenta in Ming China, ' Materialities of Medical Cultures in/between Europe and East Asia, Institute of History and Philology.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2022.08, 'The Origins of Various Illnesses – the yu Disorders in Late Imperial China, ' 24th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, European Association for Chinese Studies.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2021.07, 'Using Female Body Drugs for Healings and Longevity in Late Ming China, ' 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, IUHPST/DHST.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2019.09, '醫療、法術與性別—試論明代「信巫不信醫」現象, ' 紀念鄭天挺先生誕辰120週年暨第五屆明清史國際學術討論會, 南開大學歷史學院.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2019.08, 'Self-Cultivation and Mind-Body Therapy: Chinese Quiet-Sitting and its Japanese Inspiration, 1900-1920, ' 15th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, 全北大學校、國際東亞科學史學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2019.07, 'Food, Drug and Dirt: Material Culture of the Placenta in Ming China, ' Materialities of Medical Culture in/between Europe and East Asia I : Towards a Global History of Drugs, Technische Universität Braunschweig.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2019.03, 'Daoist Body and Medical Body: The “Inner Landscape” in the Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (Donguibogam 東醫寶鑑, 1613), ' 「醫學典籍、醫學知識及其流通運用」國際學術研討會, 國立故宮博物院.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2018.09, '試論明代巫者醫療及其社會效應, ' 「跨越邊際的古代東方醫學:對話與互動」國際學術討論會, 北京大學東方文學研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2018.07, 'Beyond The 'Great Confinement': The Mad and the Socio-Legal-Political Networks in Eighteenth-Century China, ' Conformity, Resistance, Dialogue and Deviance in Health and Medicine: Society for the Social History of Medicine 2018 Conference, University of Liverpool.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2018.04, '食物、藥物與穢物:明代紫河車的物質文化史考察, ' 近現代以來的世界貿易與醫藥產品國際學術研討會, 復旦大學歷史學系、英國華威大學歷史學系、上海中醫藥大學科技人文研究院.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2017.10, '從蔣維喬的靜坐法試探清末民初的修養與自療, ' 二十一世紀的明清:新視角、新發現、新領域, 香港大學中文學院.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2017.08, 'Practical Guides for Psychotherapy and Self-Cultivation in China, 1880-1920, ' Int'l Congress on Traditional Asian Medicine IX, IASTAM.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2017.05, 'Daoist Body and Medical Body: the “Inner Landscape” in the Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (1613), ' the International Symposium of Using Anthropology and History to Rethink Korean Medicine, Department of Medical History, Kyung Hee University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2017.02, 'Placenta – A Human Body Part as Medicine in China, 1400-1900, ' Material Culture of Knowledge, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2016.07, 'Ghostly Encounters, ' China and the Human Sciences: 1600 to the Present, Part II, University of Warwick.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳秀芬*, 2016.03, '王肯堂《證治準繩・神志門》與癲狂癎分類, ' 第二屆科學史典籍與文化研讀工作坊:醫學、文本與文化, 中央研究院科學史委員會.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2016.01, 'Body Parts for Human Alchemy and Ritual Therapy in Ming China (1368-1644), ' Material Cultures of Knowledge: Netze wissenschafts-politischer Beziehungen: zwischen Taiwan und Deutschland in Früher Neuzeit und Moderne, Technische Universität Braunschweig.
  • 陳秀芬, 2015.12, '徐渭的狂與病:一個理解晚明社會的新取徑, ' 明清研究國際學術研討會, 中央研究院明清研究推動委員會.
  • 陳秀芬, 2015.11, '明代本草傳統中的人藥、物性與身體宇宙論, ' 「醫學的物質文化史」國際學術研討會, 歷史語言研究所生命醫療史研究室.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2015.08, 'Ghostly Encounters, ' China and the Human Sciences: 1600 to the Present, Department of History, National Chengchi University.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2015.07, 'Treating gu poison in Ming-Qing China: Medication, Prevention and Exorcism, ' The 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2015.04, 'Demonic Afflictions in Late Imperial China, ' The Workshop of ‘Unruly Minds: Mental Health and the Human Sciences in Chinese Contexts’, Nanyang Technological University.
  • 陳秀芬, 2014.06, '《本草綱目》中的人藥、物性與身體宇宙論, ' 「身體、文化與社會:中國藥物史」國際學術研討會, 香港浸會大學歷史系、當代中國研究所.
  • 陳秀芬, 2013.10, '歐美中國醫療史研究之近況——幾點觀察與反思, ' 2013年醫學史與醫學人文研究與教學學術研討會, 中原大學人文教育學院、通識教育中心.
  • 陳秀芬, 2013.08, '中國近世的「談話治療」, ' 身體與文明研究中心工作坊, 國立政治大學文學院身體與文明研究中心.
  • 陳秀芬, 2012.12, 'Massage: The oral and written transmission of a healing art in China, 1600-1900, ' The Sixth Conference for the Asian Society for the History of Medicine, The Asian Society for the History of Medicine.
  • 陳秀芬, 2012.07, '明清時期民間療法與保健手冊:關於按摩與推拿, ' 日常生活史視野下中國的生命與健康國際學術研討會, 南開大學中國社會史研究中心.
  • 陳秀芬, 2011.09, '明代江南地區養生知識的生產與流傳:以養生書的編寫與出版為核心, ' 江南地域文化的歷史演進國際學術研討會, 南京大學歷史系. Ref.
  • Hsiu-Fen Chen, 2011.07, 'Folk Healing and Handbooks for Health in Late Imperial China – A Study of Massage Texts, ' The 13th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, University of Science and Technology of China.(ISHEASTM) Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2010.12, '曠男怨女——試論中國近世的鬱症、性別與情志療法, ' 「身體、權力與認同」國際學術研討會, 國立政治大學身體與文明研究中心、歷史系. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2010.11, '「畫」說瘋狂——晚清報刊圖像中的瘋人形象與社會處置, ' 「醫療與視覺文化」國際學術研討會, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2010.07, 'The Study of Medical History in Taiwan, 1990-2010, ' The Future of Medical History: International Conference, The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2010.07, '躁鬱帝國:明清醫療史中的情志與身體, ' 第三屆「身體、技術與歷史空間」主題研究工作坊, 國立政治大學文學院身體與文明研究中心. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2009.12, '醫療史研究在台灣(1989-2009)──新史學、新社會史與新文化史, ' 《新史學》與臺灣史學二十年國際學術研討會, 政治大學歷史系、新史學雜誌社. Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2009.09, 'Writing the body techniques for prolonging life in 16th-17th century China: why and how?, ' Seventh International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicine, The International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine.(IASTAM) Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2009.08, '「畫」說瘋狂:晚清報刊圖像中的瘋人形象與社會處置, ' 第二屆「身體、技術與歷史空間」主題研究工作坊, 國立政治大學文學院身體與文明研究中心. Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2009.07, 'Engendering emotions: Women''s melancholy in 16th-17th century Chinese medicine, ' XXIII International Congress of History of Science and Technology, International Union of History and Philosophy of Science, DHST.(UNESCO)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2008.07, 'Anger, depression and the medical perceptions of the Liver, ' The 12th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Johns Hopkins University. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2008.07, '在得失之間——晚明房中養生與性經濟, ' 第一屆「身體、技術與歷史空間」主題研究工作坊, 國立政治大學文學院身體與文明研究中心. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2007.09, '養生與修身:晚明的養生文化與文人生活, ' 基調與變奏:七至二十世紀的中國, 中國史學會. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬 (Hsiu-fen Chen), 2006.06, 'Nurturing life and nourishing the body: regimen and hygiene in the daily life of 16th-17th century China, ' Practices and Representations of Health: Historical Perspectives, The Society for Social History of Medicine. Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2005.08, 'When doctors met monsters: a survey of scholarly physicians’ attitudes towards “demonic affliction” in 15th-18th century China, ' The 11th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine. Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2005.07, 'Emotion in motion: emotional disorders and medical therapies in 16th-17th century China, ' The 22nd International Congress of History of Science, International Union of History and Philosophy of Science, Division of History of Science. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2004.11, '「子不語怪力亂神」?:明清醫者對於「邪祟」的態度初探, ' 「宗教與醫療」學術研討會, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所. Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2004.01, 'Dreams, sex, and the monstrous body: on the cases of “dreaming sex with demons” in the history of Chinese medicine, ' 「靠文化」 (By Culture) 學術研討會, 文化研究學會、東吳大學社會學系.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2003.11, 'Articulating “Chinese madness”: A Review of the Modern Historiography of Madness in Pre-Modern China, ' 亞洲醫學史研究的回顧與前瞻研討會, 亞洲醫學史學會 (Asian Society for the History of Medicine). Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2002.08, 'Mapping diseases: Wang Kentang, encyclopedic medicine and nosological madness in 16th and 17th century China, ' The Tenth Int''l Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2001.12, 'Madness: a history of diseases in pre-modern Chinese contexts, ' 2001 BSHS Postgraduate Conference, British Society of History of Science.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2001.06, 'Male gaze on female body: gender, power, and nude models, ' One-talking-arts – Modeling Taiwan Workshop, Goldsmith’s College.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2000.09, 'Madness as a malady of Wind: some threads in the Dunhuang medical manuscripts, ' Dunhuang 2000: The Medical Manuscripts conference, Needham Research Institute.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2000.06, '“Dreaming sex with demons”: the pathological interpretations in ancient Chinese medicine, ' 「疾病的歷史」研討會, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所.
Book Edited
  • 鐘月岑;宋家復;李卓穎;陳秀芬, 2013.09, '錢新祖集第二卷:思想與文化論集, ' 中國思想史研究叢書, 臺大出版中心. Ref.
  • 鐘月岑;宋家復;李卓穎;陳秀芬, 2013.08, '錢新祖集第一卷:中國思想史講義, ' 中國思想史研究叢書, 臺大出版中心. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2009.08, '養生與修身:晚明文人的身體書寫與攝生技術, ' 史學叢書系列76, 稻鄉. Ref.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2003.04, 'Medicine, Society, and the Making of Madness in Imperial China, ' Ph.D. Thesis, University of London.
Book Chapters
  • 陳秀芬*, 2024.03, '明清推拿術的知識流傳與醫技實踐, ' 跨越邊際的古代東方醫學, 中西書局, pp.217-241.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2022.06, 'Pre-Modern Madness, ' Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine, Routledge, pp.230-244.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen*, 2019.05, 'Ghostly Encounters, ' The Making of the Human Sciences in China, Brill, pp.124-141.(*為通訊作者)
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2014.06, 'Emotional therapy and Talking Cures in Late Imperial China, ' Psychiatry and Chinese History, Pickering & Chatto Publishers Ltd, pp.37-54. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2014.02, '第一篇:歐美國家的變革, ' 普通高級中學歷史第四冊, 南一書局, pp.4-77. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2013.08, '第三篇:文明的興起與交會;第四篇:近代世界的轉變, ' 普通高級中學歷史第三冊, 南一書局, pp.114-247. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2013.05, '明代江南養生知識的生產與流傳:以養生書的編寫與出版為核心, ' 江南地域文化的歷史演進文集, 三聯書局, pp.95-115.
  • 陳秀芬, 2011.12, '當病人見到鬼:試論明清醫者對於「邪祟」的態度, ' 宗教與醫療, 聯經出版事業股份有限公司, pp.329-364. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2011.12, '在夢寐之間:中國古典醫學對於「夢與鬼交」與女性情欲的構想, ' 疾病的歷史, 聯經出版事業股份有限公司, pp.77-108. Ref.
  • 陳秀芬, 2008.08, '醫療與社會文化, ' 普通高級中學選修歷史(上), 南一書局企業股份有限公司.
  • 陳秀芬, 2008.08, '日常生活與大眾文化, ' 普通高級中學選修歷史(上), 南一書局企業股份有限公司.
  • 陳秀芬, 2007, '序‧在可說與不可說之間, ' 從北京到台北——精神藥理學家張文和的追尋, 心靈工坊文化事業股份有限公司.
  • Wang Shumin;Chen Hsiu-fen, 2005.04, 'Tangye jingfa (Canonical Methods for Brews and Decoctions): A lost text recorded in the Hanshu bibliography, ' Medieval Chinese Medicine: the Dunhuang Medical Manuscripts, RoutledgeCurzon.
  • Chen Hsiu-fen, 2005.04, 'Wind malady as madness in medieval China: some threads from the Dunhuang medical manuscript, ' Medieval Chinese Medicine: the Dunhuang Medical Manuscripts, RoutledgeCurzon.
  • 陳秀芬, 1999.11, '清中葉之前的政權與羅教:正統、異端與歷史書寫, ' 東亞近代思想與社會, 月旦出版社股份有限公司.
Research Report
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2013.06, 'Characterizing Xu Wei''s personality and emotions, ' Yale University & Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation.
  • Hsiu-fen Chen, 2012.11, 'Xu Wei''s illness and madness, ' Yale University & Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation.
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