標題 |
由中華民國對在臺創價學會與公明黨的因應 看中華民國的東亞冷戰局勢理解 The Action of ROC for Soka Gakkai and Komeito in Taiwan and Its Perception for the East Asian Cold War Situation |
作者 | 任天豪 Jen, Tien-Hao |
頁碼 | 135-168 |
摘要 |
二戰的結束是現代世界歷史發展的重要轉捩點,然而,東亞的局勢並未因戰事的結束而底定。其中一項原因,乃是在中國內部的國共內戰所衍生的兩岸對峙之局,而其本質上具有傳統的「正統之爭」意義。在雙方長期的對抗局面中,原應較為不染俗世事務的宗教,也成為兩岸競爭的對象之一。也因如此,創價學會及與其有高度淵源的日本公明黨,便在進入中華民國一心建設為「反攻大陸基地」的臺灣之後,成為中華民國所需認真因應的宗教性團體。本文嘗試以庋藏於中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館之《外交部檔案》為主要史料,探究中華民國在冷戰局勢下,如何在此涉及中華民國、中共與日本三方關係下的議題,如何影響中華民國的決策,並自此一牽涉宗教事務的角度,探討其中所體現的意義,特別是在東亞冷戰史方面。 The end of the WWII War was the turning point of the world history. However, the situation in East Asia was not settled for some reasons. One of the reasons was the separation of ROC and PRC governments. In the long term of their hostilities, religion became one of the regions of their struggles. The Soka Gakkai and its affiliated political group, the Komeito, entered Taiwan where is the base of ROC for “Counterattacking the Mainland China” and then became a delicate issue in this island. This objective implied an important expectation which was the symbol of “Orthodoxy of China” for the ROC regime. This paper tries to make a case study with the governmental archives, especially the “Archives of MOFA, ROC” reserving in Taiwan to survey the details for understanding ROC’s “perception” at that time. It may express the trilateral relations among ROC, PRC and Japan during the Cold War Period from the aspect of the reaction of ROC for the foreign religions. |
關鍵詞 |
創價學會、公明黨、東亞冷戰 Soka Gakkai, Komeito, East Asia Cold War |