The Journal of History, NCCU Call for Papers
1. The Journal of History is a semi-annual scholarly journal published by the Department of History, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. Research articles on historical topics of 30,000-word (Chinese) or 10,000-word (English) are welcomed for consideration. 10,000-word (Chinese) or 5,000-word (English) essays or discussions are also welcomed. Book reviews of 3,000 (Chinese) or 1,000 (English) words will be considered, too.
2. Manuscripts should conform with the guidelines for historical writing, footnotes included. Please attach titles of manuscript or book reviews in both Chinese and English. For research articles, please also include a 500-word (Chinese) and 250-word (English) abstract and key words.
3. Manuscripts are sent to anonymous readers for peer review, the results of which will be mailed to the contributors.
4. The journal prefers that the contributions be submitted in electronic form (either as an e-mail attachment or on diskettes). The file should be MS Word form of traditional Chinese characters.
5. Contributors are responsible for securing all necessary publication permissions (such as reprinting text passages, illustrations, tables, etc.)
6. Contributors will not be remunerated for their published work. Instead, the author will receive 3 copies of the journal and 50 offprints of their contribution.
7. Manuscript submissions are welcomed anytime. The estimated dates for publications are the end of May and the end of November.
8. Contributors should send in their names, titles, professional affiliation and addresses (including fax and email) in both Chinese and English to the following address:
Department of History
National Chengchi University
NO. 64, Sec. 2, Zhinan Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 11605, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
All manuscripts submitted for consideration are expected not to have been published elsewhere and not to be under review for possible publication elsewhere.
9. The acceptance of manuscripts for publication requires that the author give copyright to the journal. Based on the copyright agreement, the journal will be responsible for the publication of the manuscript in paper form. The journal will also be digitized and be made available online on academic websites and databases. Contributors of accepted manuscripts should be agreeable in having their work available online.