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邵雍遷居洛陽前期關係網絡初探: 以尹洙為線索

A Study on the Relationship Network in the Early Stage of Shao Yong’s Moving to Luoyang:Starting with Yin Zhu

作者 紀晏如 Ji, Yan-ru
頁碼 1-44

北宋神宗年間,邵雍(1011-1077)在洛陽時期與眾多名士大夫往來的故事是史上有名的佳話。據筆者初步研究,邵雍在皇祐元年(1049)舉家遷洛的行為,其實是被作為古文運動和儒學(尤其集中於穆修、尹洙和李之才這一系)的同道被引薦到洛陽,進入了洛陽當地的學術網絡,並憑藉著自身的學識在洛陽士大夫圈子中嶄露頭角。也因此當司馬光(1019-1086)、文彥博(1006-1097)等名士大夫在熙寧變法期間退居此地時,才會和當時已經身為洛陽名士的邵雍相識,並進一步結為好友。 邵雍在洛陽初期往來的友人大抵擁有近似的學術傾向,他們多半出自於歷代為官或業儒,愛好古文且久居洛陽的士人家族。本文希望以尹洙為線索,藉由考察邵雍遷居洛陽的此一過程,一窺當時士人之間的學術網絡是如何組建,志趣相投的士人彼此又可能是如何結交。

During the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty, the story of Shao Yong’s (1011-1077) association with many famous scholar-officials in Luoyang is a well-known story. According to my preliminary study, Shao Yong was introduced to Luoyang local scholar-bureaucrat circles as a partner of Classical Prose (Guwen) Movement and Confucianism. This Luoyang local scholar-bureaucrat relation network focused especially on Mu Xiu (979-1032), Yin Zhu (1001-1047), and Li Zhicai (980-1045). With his own knowledge and cultivation, Shao Yong quickly became an active member of Luoyang scholar-bureaucrat circles. Therefore, when Sima Guang (1019-1086), Wen Yanbo (1006-1097), and other famous scholar-officials retreated in Luoyang during the Xining years, Shao Yong, already a famous scholar at that time, quickly joined their social circle and became close friends with them. Shao Yong's early friends in Luoyang generally had similar academic tendencies. Most of them have a scholar-offical or professional Confucian famiy background. They shared the love for Classical Prose (Guwen) and settled in Luoyang for generations. By examining the process of Shao Yong's moving to Luoyang and focusing on Yin Zhu as a clue, this paper wishes to gain a glimpse of how intellectual networks were formed and how like-minded scholars might have become acquainted with each other during the Northern Song Dynasty.



Shao Yong, Social networks, Yin Zhu, Luoyang, Confucianism, Classical Prose (Guwen) Movement, Song Dynasty, Epitaphs

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