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Temples and the Religious System of the Shang dynasty

作者姓名 趙林 Jhao Lin
頁碼 1-18
摘要(中) 商周兩代的宗廟及宗族制度在名稱上頗有需多相同之處。但事實上,在組織結構上有許多類似的地方,在稱謂上有時卻不盡相同;而同名在意義上,有時卻又會有很大出入。故研究商代宗廟、宗族組織,需先與周代比較,並加以界定區別。從所包含的範圍來排列,由大至小,周代的宗族組織細分為「姓、宗、族」三層,宗廟也相對應為:宗廟、祖廟、禰廟。此結構與商代大致相同,但商代的名稱有所不同,「大宗」相當周代的宗廟,「小宗」相當於祖廟,不過在族的層面上,兩代則略有出入。周代的族僅指由同父兄弟及其妻兒女的家庭。商代則由於「父」、「子」之稱謂,也各自包含父親的兄弟、兄弟之子,故多出「多父」、「多子族」等家庭組織的情形,可知兩代間,族的包含範圍涵蓋不同。
摘要(英) The clan system and ancestral temples of the Shang and Zhou dynasties have many points in common. However, while their organizational structures were similar, different terms were used for these structures and moreover similar names sometimes had different meanings. This paper compares the ancestral temples and clan systems of the Shang dynasty with those of the Zhou Dynasty, and analyzes the differences. Zhou clan organizations, ranging from large to small can be broken down into the three levels of “name, number and tribe”. Ancestral temples were arranged as follows: Zong Miao, Zu Miao, and Mi Miao. While this structure is similar to that of the Shang Dynasty, the names are different. In the Shang Dynasty, ‘dazong’ was equivalent to the term ‘ancestral temple’ (zong miao) in the Zhou Dynasty, and ‘xiaozong’ was equivalent to the term ‘ancestral temple’ (zu miao). However, there were slight differences between the two eras at the family level. In the Zhou Dynasty, a family included the brothers of the same father and their wives and children. During the Shang Dynasty the family included not only "parents" and "children", but also one’s father's brother, as well as brothers and sons, thus it was a more "multi-parent", and "multi-child family" organization. Thus we can see that with regards to family circumstances, the two generations’ definitions of family were different.


Shang Dynasty、Zhou Dynasty、Temple、Religious System

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