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The Thought of Shi Wei and the Mentality of the Nobility

作者姓名 何啟民 He Ci Min
頁碼 19-43
摘要(中) 漢盛世之後的魏晉南北朝,在政治上雖為亂世,但在文化思想等方面卻是創新的變局,這其中關鍵因素在於士族心態及時代思想。東漢儒家讖緯學的缺失以及末年的亂事,使曹操等當權者改採用人唯才。再則,士人亦反思傳統儒學,尋求突破,而走向自由思想,發展出老莊為基本的論談玄學。另一方面,東漢以來的歷史發展,使士族的心態,以門第為要,重己重家,不關心國家及朝廷。這使得在思想上雖解放且自由,卻成為政治亂局的原因所在。
摘要(英) After the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, the period of the Three Kingdoms was a troubled political time. However it was also characterized by innovative change in aspects of cultural ideology, with one of the key factors being the mentality and ideology of the nobility. The deficiencies and later chaos of Eastern Han Confucian Chen Wei studies caused Cao Cao and other authorities to adopt a system of meritocracy. Furthermore, the nobility also reflected on traditional Confucian scholarship to seek breakthroughs, and move towards freedom of thought, developing the foundation of Luntan Taoist metaphysics. On the other hand, historical developments since the Eastern Han Dynasty, caused the mentality of the nobility to focus on the importance of the family status; and not be concerned about the state and imperial court. Although this resulted in ideological emancipation and freedom, it also resulted in political chaos.


Thought of Shi Wei、Han Confucian Learning、Cao Cao、Metaphysics、Nobility、Mentality

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