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The Culture of Admonition in the Zhenguan Era

作者姓名(中) 王壽南 Wang Shou Nan
頁碼 45-80
摘要(中) 唐貞觀之治盛世,其基本因素在於君能納、臣敢諫的諫諍風氣盛行,且諸凡政府決策、行政、司法、君之言行幾乎無事不諫。而其形成,來自於太宗鼓勵,又賦予百官均有諫諍之權,而群臣亦互相自勵,遂成政治風氣。太宗之能納,一方面是因個人因素,再加以隋亡之鑑,冀唐祚長久,而更重要的是受到漢代以來,儒家聖君的觀念。而魏晉世族政治之影響,更使君王無法忽視其力量。這些因素使得太宗納諫,此外更鼓勵群臣,讓諫諍做為君臣教育,共創和而不同、爭而有禮的和諧君臣關係,而開大唐盛世。
摘要(英) During the prosperous times of the Tang Dynasty, the fundamental reason for this prosperity was the prevalence of the culture of admonition of both monarch and ministers, and the fact that the king’s words and deeds did not admonish government decision-making, administration and justice. This was due to encouragement from the Emperor Taizong, with rights of admonishment given to the officers. In addition, the ministers could motivate each other, and this gradually became the political culture. The support of Emperor Taizong, on one hand was due to personal factors, on the other hand owing to the destruction of Sui dynasty, they hoped that Tang Dynasty could live long, but more important was the Han Dynasty concept of a Confucian monarch. The family political impact of the Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasty was such that the Emperor could not ignore its power. These factors caused the Emperor Taizong to accept criticisms, and this also encouraged the ministers, so that admonition made the monarch’s education and creativity different, creating harmonious relations between ruler and subject and expanding the Tang dynasty.


Zhenguan Era、Culture of Admonition、Tang Tai-sung、Nobility、Confucian Monarchical Views

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