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The Story of Sung Gaozong and Jin Yihe

作者姓名 遲景德 Chih Jing De
頁碼 81-113
摘要(中) 本文以宋高宗即位,至紹興十二年時的宋金講和之史事為始末。在靖康亂後初期,高宗以延續宋祚為要,屢次遣使息兵和好。建炎四年三四月間,金於黃天蕩敗後,東南改採扶植偽齊,南宋暫得喘安穩政權,不過宋金陝西戰爭仍在持續。十月,秦檜由金釋歸,延續高宗和談政策。紹興三年,宋金間因江淮問題,而和談未成,五年,金太宗崩,宋乘而收復淮南失地。熙宗立後,金之主和派漸得勢,廢偽齊。八年金決定將廢齊之地歸宋,合議初定,地亦歸宋。不久,金內部內爭,言和派盡滅。十年,金兵再復割地,合議再破,兩國因河陝兩地,戰事又起。十一年,金因久戰疲憊,秦檜亦倡和,兩國復談。十二年,和議終定。
摘要(英) This paper outlines the ascension to the throne of the Song Emperor Gaozong, and tells the story of the peace talks between Song and Jin in the twenty-second year of Shaoxing. After the initial disorder of the year of Jingkang, the self-proclaimed Gaozong Emperor in order to preserve Song rule, repeatedly sent envoys north to stop war and maintain peace. In March and April in the fourth year of Jian Yan, after the defeat of Huang Tiantang, the Jin in the South East shift to support pseudo-Qi Dynasty, and the southern Song temporarily stabilized their regime, however the Song-Jin Shaanxi war continued. In October, due to Qin Hui was let off from Jin Dynasty, he continued to extend peace talks with Emperor Gao Song. In the third year of Shaoxing, the JiangJin issue arose and peace talks were unresolved. By the fifth year, Jin Taizong had fallen, however the Song recovered the lost land called Huai Nan. After the enthronement of Xi Zong, the doves gradually got the upper hand, the pseudo-Qi Dynasty was extincted. In the eighth year, the Jin decided to return the Qi land to the Song. Before long, the Jin had internal struggles and the doves was extinguished. In the tenth year, the Jin then re-ceded territory, and peace negotiations broke down again, and the two states went to war again over the two lands on the Shaanxi River. In the eleventh year the Jin was tired of war and with the support of Qin Hui, the two states resumed talks. In the twelfth year the peace negotiations were finally concluded.


Zhao Gou、Sung Jin Yihe、Qin Hui、retaining Partial Control over Country

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