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The Examination of the Qing Dynasty Canonization of the Ryukyu Kingdom maritime Zhen Road

作者姓名 徐玉虎 Syu Yu Hu
頁碼 115-152
摘要(中) 清朝遣使冊封琉球,計有順治十一年張學禮、康熙二十二年汪楫、乾隆十九年全魁、嘉慶三年李鼎元、道光十八年林鴻年、同治五年趙新等八次。遣使季節泰半於夏至後,從福建閩江口、梅花千戶所或定海千戶所,乘西南風汛而上往琉球,回航則於冬至後乘北風返歸,日數約耗十至十九日間。
摘要(英) The Qing sent some conferment emissary to the Ryukyu Islands. People who in 1651 at Shun Jhih Emperor period were compromised of Jhang Siao Li, Kanjun in the 22nd year of WanJun , The Qianlong Emperor in the 29th year of Quankui, JiaQing in the 3rd year of Li Dingyuan, Dao Guang in the 18th year of Lin Hongnian, In the Fifth year of Tongzhi were compromised of Zhao Xind, etc. for 8 times. The emissary, after the summer solstice season, left from Fujian Minjiang River Estuary, the Mei Hua Cian Hu Suo or the Ding Hai Cian Hu Suo, travelled with the southwest winds towards the Ryukyu Islands, flying back after the winter solstice returning on the northern wind, in between ten and nineteen days.


Qing Dynasty、Ryukyu Kingdom、Maritime Zhen Road、Canonize

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