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Violence in Qing Dynasty Taiwan-A Case Study of Kavalan

作者姓名 廖風德 Liao Fong De
頁碼 199-222
摘要(中) 清代台灣暴力事件頻傳,傳統分析其因素,有習性、種族意識、地緣、官治糜爛、遊民煽惑、農墾利益衝突及社會心理等各式說法。本文則予以歸納,並以噶瑪蘭地區為例,試圖使用現代社會科學暴力理論來做詮釋。暴力衝突依目的和標的物的不同,可分為屬政治暴力的民變,以及社會暴力的分類械鬥兩類。就民變而言,其起因符合政治暴力中相對剝奪之現象,不過在集體的行為結構和社會成員互動上,則是受到清代官僚政治體系之影響,且地方上本有工匠集團,故便於動員起事。就分類械鬥來看,其因素來自當地內含社會整合程度不夠的潛在因素,且具有衍生暴力的社會結構。兩類衝突有所殊異,而藉由社會中的暴力理論分析,反映出清代社會衝突的誘因,並更進一步瞭解清代台灣各層面的情形。
摘要(英) There were frequently violent conflicts in Qing Dynasty Taiwan, and traditional academic explanations for this focus on habits or characteristics, racial consciousness, geography, the erosion of official rule, incitements from homeless people, agricultural conflicts of interests, and social psychology. After summarizing these arguments, this paper will use the Kavalan area as a case study to interpret violence with modern social science theory. While the purpose and subject matter of violence can be different, they can be divided into two types of social violence: political violence and civil violence. While civil violence, like political violence, arises from the phenomenon of deprivation, however it differs through having a structure of collective behavior and interactions with members of the community. Conversely it was impacted by the Qing bureaucratic political system, and locally there were craftsmen groups that easily mobilized into rebellion. Being concerned about classifying types of fighting, the social integration of local level is insufficient as a potential factor, and had been derived from the social structure of violence. These two distinctive types of conflict, through a theoretical analysis of violence in society, reflect the incentives for social conflict in the Qing Dynasty and allow better understanding of situations at all levels in Qing Dynasty Taiwan.


Kavalan、Popular Revolt、Categories of Armed Conflict、Political Violence、Social Violence

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