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The relationship between the Republic of China's anti-Yuan movement and the Growth and Decline of Localism



Hu Chun Huei

頁碼 223-238
摘要(中) 地方分權與中央集權,一直是中國歷史發展的兩條政治脈絡。而民國史上兩者的首次衝突,則在民國二年時,地方勢力與袁世凱政府的總決算。從稅源劃分、不准各省對外借債、收取各省軍權等等,這其中幾乎無不涉及中央與地方的權力衝突,也使得袁與國民黨南方都督的關係也日益尖銳,最後引起二次革命的發生。而後,二次革命的失敗,雖使得地方主義有著明顯的衰退,不過卻無法盡除,這是因為進步黨系和北洋將領們的存在。而袁氏為建立「強而有力」的中央政府,以及帝制鋪路,於是採取廢省改道計畫,這導致梁啟超等進步黨人及北洋將領的不滿,轉向不支持,甚至是反袁,而使得此後洪憲帝制的倒台。
摘要(英) Decentralization and centralization of power are the two political contexts of the development of Chinese history. In the history of first Republic, these two conditions came into conflict for the first time in the second year of the Republic between local influences and Yuan Shikai’s governments’ total contemplation. By dividing the tax base, the provinces could undertake foreign borrowing, and gain military power, and this led to a great number of central and local power conflicts, and also made the Yuan Shikai and KMT’s relationship with the southern military governor increasingly acute, ultimately resulting in the occurrence of the Second Revolution. When the Second Revolution failed it showed that although there was a clear decline of localism, it could not be done away with. This is because of the progress of the party system and the existence of the Northern generals. Yuan Shikai wanted to establish a "strong " central government, also paved the way for the monarchy, so the plan to divert the provincesto Dous, led to the dissatisfaction of Liang Qizhao and other progressive party members as well as the Northern military leaders, and the direction was not supported, even by the anti-Yuan movement, and led to the fall of the Hongxian Emperor.


Localism、Yuan Shikai、the Second Revolution、Centralization、anti-Yuan Movement

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