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Suburban Sacrifices Hosted by Emperors between the Tang and Northern Song Dynasties

作者 朱溢 Yi Zhu
頁碼 1-51


This essay discusses the evolution of suburban sacrifices hosted by emperors or relevant bureaucrats, which had evolved into two distinct forms by the reign of Tang Xuanzong. Beginning from the Tianbao period, emperors held sacrifices in the Taiqing Temple and the ancestral temple respectively in the two days preceding the southern suburban sacrifices. These sacrifices in the Taiqing Temple, the ancestral temple and the southern suburbs were collectively called the "Three Grand Rites". While during the Five Dynasties and the first years of the Northern Song Dynasty emperors had only conducted sacrifices in the ancestral temple before the southern suburban sacrifices by the reign of Song Zhenzong, the new "Three Grand Rites" were established, with the emergence of the sacrifice at Jingling Temple. Due to the complicated nature of the sacrifices, the Five Envoys of Grand Rites, originating in the late Tang, were established in the Five Dynasties. The most conspicuous change in the sacrifices was the rise of non-sacrificial affairs such as tributes presented to emperors by representatives of local governments and foreign regimes, and the ritualization and legislation of amnesties of the sacrifices including many remits and rewards. In addition, officials held congratulation rituals on the success of the sacrifices. The rise of non-sacrificial elements indicates the suburban sacrifices were not only used to confirm and strengthen the relationship between the Sons of Heaven and other deities, but were also a stage symbolizing interpersonal relationships.



Tang Dynasty;Northern Song Dynasty;suburban sacrifices hosted by emperors;non-sacrificial affairs

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