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Revolutionary Politicization of Local Society during the Northern Expedition, 1926-1928

作者 林志宏 Chih-Hung Lin
頁碼 85-126


This article focuses on "revolutionary politicization" (革命政治化) to explore the impact of the grass roots and popular mentalities during the Northern Expedition. Previous scholarship has traced the victory of the National Revolutionary Army to its political slogans and propaganda. I here offer further analysis of the complex relationships involved.There is no doubt that political language(s) and revolutionary rituals aided in attracting people and encouraging participation in revolutionary activities. With the deepening of military operations, the army shook grass roots religious and social beliefs, which led to a widespread view that "the party's soldiers are nice, but the party's cadres can kill" (黨軍可愛,黨人可殺). In order to gain more support, in the later stages of the Northern Expedition, the army began to adjust its strategies to accommodate different "revolutionary" forces, which led to the satiric view of "militarily a Northern Expedition, but politically a Southern Expedition" (軍事北伐,政治南伐).In these military activities, "revolution" became a new social phenomenon which everyone had to face and practice in everyday life. It was from the experience of the Northern Expedition that the Kuomingtang and Chinese Communists alike learned how to use the power of the mass movement for "party rule" (黨治) in the future.



the Northern Expedition of Chinese;revolution;political culture;doctrine fetishism

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