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Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s Pillage in Korean Peninsula and the Lives of Korean Prisoners in Japan

作者 羅麗馨 Lo, Lee-hsin
頁碼 93-144

豐臣秀吉於1592年和1597年兩次出兵朝鮮,他在第一次出兵(文祿之役)前後,連續頒布禁止軍隊殺人、掠奪、放火、非法課役等禁令。但實際上,日軍各將領在佔領地殺掠朝鮮人、燒毀民家、搶奪糧食等。第二次出兵(慶長之役)時,小西行長等13位將領共同連署,在全羅道及慶尚道等地發布同樣內容的安民榜文,但日軍仍然殺掠、焚蕩。尤其割朝鮮人之鼻,在第二次入侵時更是有計畫的在各地展開。\r   日軍在這場戰爭中,不論男女老少,俘虜不少朝鮮人至日本。戰後朝鮮與日本交涉送還俘虜,但僅少數隨朝鮮使節歸國,大部份則留居日本。他們多半從事農耕,或被役使當奴僕。少數有技藝者或學者,則受到重視和禮遇。這些俘虜在學術文化、燒造陶瓷、創建佛寺、行醫救人等各領域,對日本均留下不少影響。   此外,掠奪之大量書籍,迄今仍收藏於諸文庫。近十萬銅活字的掠奪,則改進日本的印刷術,在學術、思想、技術等文化整體之發展上有極大意義。

From 1592 to 1598, Toyotomi Hideyoshi carried out his second invasion on Korea. The Japanese troops landed in Pusan, pillaging and murdering Koreans. During the war, large groups of Korean people, both male and female and comprising of all ages, were captured and sent to Japan as slaves.The vast majority of these prisoners ended up staying in Japan for the remainder of their lives. They usually worked as servants or farmers. They lived in destitute conditions, and some were forced to sell their own daughters to survive. Those who tried to escape were punished severely. Some were sold into slavery in Macau, India and Portuguese colonies.However, a small minority was able to attain more esteemed positions, such as scholars, doctors, monks, soldiers, missionaries or craftsmen. These few were given more freedom and some even managed to accumulate wealth. In return, they made a contribution to Japanese understanding in areas such as medicine and pottery.



Toyotomi Hideyoshi;Pillage;Korean Peninsula;Korean Prisoner;Pusan

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