標題 |
抗戰前期國民政府軍火採購之研究(1937-1939):以楊杰在俄法之工作為主線 The Mission of Yang Jie and Chinese Military Supplement Negotiation before WWII |
作者 | 李君山 Chun-Shan Li |
頁碼 | 79-136 |
摘要 |
本文主旨在探討七七事變(1937年7月)至第二次世界大戰爆發(1939年9月)之兩年間,國民政府的軍火採購工作,及其相關的決策過程。由於軍購問題,牽涉外交、財政、軍事諸多面向,往往引發內部複雜的派系矛盾。故本文重點將圍繞時任駐蘇聯大使的楊杰,於1938至1939年間所經手的3大案:中法軍事協定草案、阿魯福(Daniel Wolf,舊譯「沃爾夫」)案和第3次蘇聯對華貸款案,範圍橫跨中國對法、對蘇外交,以明該時期「外交vs.內政」、「駐使vs.特使」乃至「親蘇派vs.留(親)歐美派」之各爭端。 The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between diplomacy and domestic affairs. It will focus on negotiations regarding Chinese military supplies and factional struggles prior to WWII, especially with respect to the mission of Yang Jie(楊杰). I will discuss Yang and the negotiations on Soviet military supplies, the military supply project of Daniel Wolf, and the controversy surrounding Yang and Chinese diplomats in Paris and Moscow. I will also examine comprehensively diplomatic decisions reached by the Nationalist Government during this important period. |
關鍵詞 |
中蘇關係、中法關係、軍火採購、楊杰、阿魯福 Sino-Soviet relations、Sino-French relations、military supplement、Yang Jie(楊杰)、Daniel Wolf |