標題 |
漢唐間州郡治所的選擇:以河北政區為例 The Choice of the Location of the Local Governments between the Han and Tang Eras: the Case of the Hebei Area |
作者 | 王德權 Te-Chuan Wang |
頁碼 | 1-44 |
摘要 |
北魏中期開始,以迄隋唐,政區與治所展開長期調整的趨勢,其間依稀可見一個不變的主軸,即國家通過對地域社會的整編,深化其控制。此期政區安排與治所選擇,一定程度上是以這個目標進行由上而下的調整。在這個過程裡,早先基於軍事目的而存在的要塞型城巿,因軍事化程度逐漸降低,面臨調整的需要。一部分要塞型城巿仍能憑藉其地理與經濟流通的位置,成功轉型為行政城巿;另一部分要塞型城巿則逐步退出歷史舞臺。上述轉變始於北魏孝文帝改鎮為州(或郡),中經北齊調整,至周隋平定山東後展開大規模制置,不斷在政治空間結構上進行點和面的重新組合。至隋煬帝大業時期,除了仍處於開發狀態的東部濱海與北部幽州地區外,河北地區大抵已建立穩定的政治空間體系,唐承隋,河北的行政城巿網絡大體底定。隋及唐前期奠定的行政城巿網絡,成為容納唐宋間地域社會經濟拓展的空間架構。 From the middle of the Northern Wei (386-534) period, the central government began to adjust the division of administrative districts and the location of the prefectural governments. The trend shows that the central government aimed at a tightening control over local administration. During the process of adjustment, military administrative areas lost their importance. But some military spots, if still controlling a key-position, changed their administrative meaning and became administrative centers. Such change started during the Northern Wei period, when demographic and economic structures underwent a great transformation. Hebei was a less developed area and showed a significant military character. The above mentioned reorganizing process can be clearly seen there. |
關鍵詞 |
政區、治所、要塞型城巿、行政城巿、軍事化 administrative district,location of prefectures,military township,militarization |