標題 |
國立故宮博物院所藏《中德膠澳條約》 及相關輿圖說明:兼論膠州灣租借交涉 The Study of Convention Respecting the Lease of Kiaochow between China and Germany from the NPM Collection: and Discussion the Relative to the Concession at Kwang-Chou-Wan |
作者 | 陳維新 Wei-Hsing Chen |
頁碼 | 83-134 |
摘要 |
中日甲午戰爭清廷戰敗後,與日本簽訂《中日講和條約》(即馬關條約),清廷割讓臺灣、澎湖群島及遼東半島給予日本。隨後俄國聯合德國與法國,要求日本放棄占領遼東半島,此即近代史上著名的「三國干涉還遼事件」。隨後清廷再與俄國簽訂《中俄密約》,此密約簽訂後,掀起西方列強瓜分中國土地的浪潮,德國隨即要求清廷准予租借海港,並藉口傳教士在山東遭殺害,派兵進占膠州灣,光緒二十四年(1898),清廷與德國簽訂《中德膠澳條約》。本文擬依據德國外交文件、俄國《紅檔雜誌》、中央研究院所藏《膠澳專檔》等相關檔案史料,對德國選擇租借海港的討論過程及與俄國、清廷對膠澳地區交涉等情形,配合臺北國立故宮博物院所藏《中德膠澳條約》及相關輿圖,對這段膠州灣租借史實作簡單的探討。 After the First Sino-Japanese War, Qing Empire signed "The Treaty of Shimonoseki" with Japan and ceded the islands of Taiwan and Penghu, and Liaodong Peninsula to Japan. This condition caused the "Triple Intervention (or the Tripartite Intervention)," in which Russia, France and German demanded that Japan withdrew its claim on the Liaodong Peninsula. After this diplomatic intervention, Qing Empire signed "Li-Lobanov Treaty" with Russia and led to entry of the western power. In the preceding years, German required that Qing Empire agreed to lease the harbor. Furthermore, German dispatched troops and occupied Jiaozhou Bay after two Greman Roman Catholic priests were murdered in Shandong Province. In 1898, Qing Empire signed "Convention respecting the Lease of Kiaochow between China and Germany" with German in order to cease the conflict. This essay will discuss the leasing history of Jiaozhou Bay, where was chosen as harbor by Germasn, and German's negotiation with Russia and Qing Empire during occupation. The contents are based on the German diplomatic documents, Russia's "Hongdangzazhi," "Archives of Jiaozhou Bay," which is stored in Academia Sinica, and also the "Convention respecting the Lease of Kiaochow between China and Germany" with related maps, which are preserved in Nation Palace Museum now. |
關鍵詞 |